Super Sunday
Super Sunday at A.L. Davis Park in Central City
Yesterday was my first Super Sunday and I wasn't fully aware of what to expect. I was looking forward to seeing the Mardi Gras indians in their beautifully colored, embroidered suits, which they spend up to nine months planning and creating. Speaking with some of the indians, I learned more of the origin of this tradition, however does a better job of explaining than I could:
"To most Americans, "Super Sunday" connotates the Sunday on which the NFL Super Bowl is played. However, in New Orleans, Super Sunday has a different, totally unrelated meaning. It is a day for the city's Mardi Gras Indian tribes to put on their colorful suits and "strut their stuff" while marching in a procession through the streets of their neighborhoods."
The article continues to explain the history HERE.
I quickly put together a photo essay of the event that highlighted the indians, neighborhoods and music that embody this New Orleans tradition.